The Universal Success Formula
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The Universal Success Formula


作者: John Robicheau
出版年: 2008-3
页数: 168
定价: $ 29.32
ISBN: 9780595695034







Whether you realize it or not, you have already implemented a formula to get-or not get-what you want out of life. You see, many of us unintentionally set into motion a plan that actually sabotages our success. It's time you took full control of your own destiny and combine all the vital elements you need to create the dynamic life you deserve. In this empowering guide, entrepreneur John Robicheau introduces his simple but powerful Assembly Line Approach. The nine steps of his model are already programmed into us all, but we seldom utilize them to their full potential. And like an assembly line, if one step is pulled from the process, the entire end "product" fails. With the proper knowledge, awareness, and skills, you can use Robicheau's no-fail formula to maximize your life's success by: UL LIDefining your dreams or goals LISharing your dreams or goals LISeeking knowledge and assistance LIAccepting and anticipating obstacles LIPracticing what you learn LIBeing open to change LIImplementing change LICelebrating your success/UL When you apply Robicheau's program physically, emotionally, spiritually, and even financially, you will make your life everything you want it to be and more.

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