Born By the Sea
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Born By the Sea


作者: Violet Mae Bledsoe Robinson Daskevich
出版年: 2004-10
页数: 136
定价: $ 13.50
ISBN: 9780595334322







In the early nineteen hundreds, a small group of fishermen settled in a small coastal town in Texas led by Mr. Ball, commonly called King Fisherman. One day a shipwreck washed ashore and within the rubble, he found only one survivor, a baby girl and a dog. He named her Violet because of her beautiful, blue eyes. He raised her as his own until his death sixteen years later. The child had grown into a beautiful young woman and had lost the only father she had ever known. Although many offered, she refused to live with anyone in the little village. She had lived her life on the beach, free as a bird. She left the small village without telling anyone, and traveled by train to the big city of Los Angeles, California. She lived in a rooming house with a wonderful lady who loved her, and later took a job as an usher in a theater. Everyone she met loved her innocence and beauty, but the women were very jealous. She was fired for this reason and later kidnapped. Many people from her hometown had migrated to Los Angeles and joined in this exciting, mysterious and interesting adventure.

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