An Anthology of Poetry
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An Anthology of Poetry


作者: Mary Marriott
页数: 68
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424137732







An Anthology of Poetry was born out of Maryas observation of people and places close at hand, finding them fun, fascinating, and sometimes sad. She delights in being able to share this aentertainmenta in poetry form with others, maintaining that to be aawarea is uplifting, amusing, and heart-rending and highly recommends it. In life there is a silent buzz of athings happeninga and aplaces to seea which not everyone is aware of, so I have drawn together some of these into poetic form and hope the reader will enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them. The circumstances and situations are REALaplaces I have visited and experienced, and situations I have witnessed. I cannot write to order; conditions have to speak first, then the pen. I have atakena one or two sayings from friends, filtering them through my work. One example is in aA Yob Societyaaaa]the walking deada]a I thoughtaa line for a poemaand so the poem came to birth. Mostly, however, their births came through observation, heart feelings, and a desire to write about the given situation. It has been fun and worthwhile and so interesting to see a glimpse of life through my poet eye.

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