Beyond Anger
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Beyond Anger


作者: William Samelson
页数: 596
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9781424126743







Beyond Anger is a must-read to learn about overcoming adversity and trauma of the worst kind; of torment and humiliation, loss of life, and exposure to mental anguish. It deals with the way victims of such inhumane treatment are able to heal deep wounds, join mainstream society, and become contributive members. This story portrays ordinary people at their best and most noble behavior and under extraordinary circumstances at their lowest ebb. Beyond Anger is a story of an individual coping, in his own way, with a horrific past, while trying to come to terms with the great losses he has sustained. He learns to love again, and he becomes aware of his renewed responsibilities toward a society that has rejected him, while seeking harmony with nature, renewed trust toward people, and harmony within himself. In the process, he begins to understand how to make important decisions about choosing direction for a promising future. In giving human flesh and language to a demonic period, Dr. Samelson shocks us into a renewed sense of our capacity for good and evilaa vivid tale of suffering and care enlarging our sense of the human family.

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