High Holy Adventure
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High Holy Adventure


作者: R·Alan Fuller
页数: 192
定价: $ 17.52
ISBN: 9781418416935







HIGH HOLY ADVENTURE is told with evolutionary breath bridging forty years since Carlos Castaneda introduced to the world his shaman benefactor don Juan Matus. R Alan Fuller's authentic account of his final initiation by a renowned Peruvian Shaman takes the reader from high weirdness in the Nazca desert to an uncanny finale at seventeen thousand feet in the Andes. This forthright account of dramatic journeys during ordeals and ecstasies shared with others takes the reader to a level of contact that is rare to learn about and far different from the consensus-reality that we normally inhabit. Spiritual healings with on the flesh results experienced at a spiritualist medium hospital in Brazil awaken the author to the here and now reality of miracles regularly occurring within the daily fabric of our lives. There is much reflection on the mind expanding lessons learned in the presence of high impact spiritual masters. WHAT OTHERS SAY "For the armchair scientist who never had the direct contact that you did, it is a powerful vicarious experience. HIGH HOLY ADVENTURE is a shamanic romp and tour de force in the genre of Carlos Castaneda's tales of Don Juan." Inventor of Superconductors "I think you have done an amazing piece of writing. You have not lost your pitching arm at all, and the balls you are throwing are spiritual gems." Medical Anthropologist and Shaman "It is a wondrous read. It amazes me that you convey something powerful energetically. What impresses me is the utter discipline and awareness involved to fully participate in non-ordinary reality." Physicist and Systems Designer "I have just finished your book and am blown away. You wrote, "words can direct the attention" and you do it masterfully as a visual and spiritual feast." Entrepreneur and Mother "What a wonderfully insightful book on a subject that is a mystery for most." Author and International Coach

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