Recollections with the Third Iowa Regiment
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Recollections with the Third Iowa Regiment


作者: Seymour Dwight Thompson
出版年: 2009-11
页数: 400
定价: $ 44.06
ISBN: 9781116475548







Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: CHAPTER III. Operations Of The Rebel General Harris?Three Companies Op Our Regiment Detailed To Join An Expedition Against Him WE ARE ALLOWED TEN MINUTES FOR PREPARATION We JOIN A PORTION OF THE SIXTEENTH ILLINOIS AT PALMYRA AND WITH THEM BETURN TO MONROE THE MOVEMENT IS DELATED BY A STORM?CON. SULTATION OF OFFICERS?THE COLUMN MOVES SKIRMISH OF HAGER'8 WOODS?WE DELAY AND FINALLY CAMP FoR THE NIGHT?AND IN THE MORNING BEGIN TO RETREAT OUR TRAIN BURNED AND THE ENEMY IN OUR REAR--A THREATENED SKIRMISH He CITS OFF OUR COMMUNICATION AND SURROUNDS US IN LARGE FORCE CoOL CONDUCT OF COLONEL Smith?We Ecgin To Fortify?A Night Of Expectation?Details OF OUR SITUATION THE ENEMY OPENS WITH ARTILLERY AND BEGINS TO DRAW IN HIS LINES We LIE IN OUR TRENCHES AND RESERVE OUR Fire Aid In The Right Time The Enemy Quits The Field In Panic?An Accident Col. Williams Arrives With A Portion Olf The Third Iowa. We were now to learn that we had not been called into the field to wear fine uniforms and make imposing parades. We were to learn that soldiering has some higher realities than guard duty, drill and pilot bread. We were to learn that our prediction of the total defeat of the rebel cause in Missouri had been the wildest mistake, and, that in times of war it is folly to make any predictions whatever. In short, we were to learn what it was to see the enemy, to be surrounded by him, and to be shot at by him. It appears that Thomas Harris, a citizen of Hannibal one who had been a member of Congress from Missouria West Point graduate, and a man of tact and shrewdness, as those who knew him averred, was recruiting and concentrating, in Monroe county, south of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad, a large force of mounted infantry, with what designs was then unknown...

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