Flying Out of Brooklyn
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Flying Out of Brooklyn


作者: Beverly Magid
出版年: 2007-11
页数: 224
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9780595455867







"An evocative, heartfelt rendering of the American home front in 1943, and the coming-of-age of a wife and husband at a time when young people unquestioningly took on expected adult roles, only later to struggle with issues of identity and individual desire. "Flying Out of Brooklyn" reminds us that simpler times were not necessarily easier times." -Janet Fitch, author of "White Oleander" and "Paint It Black" ""Flying Out of Brooklyn" shines a light on the often neglected home front during World War II. It is spare, fast-paced, and illuminating." -Denise Nicholas, author of the award-winning novel "Freshwater Road" The world is at war during the sweltering summer of 1943, and on the American home front, Judith Weissman feels trapped by her mundane office job, her lackluster marriage, and the gossipy neighborhood of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. But when her upstairs neighbor unexpectedly takes a step off her fifth-floor fire escape and plunges to her death, Judith suddenly realizes how short life really is-and how much she wants to change it. Judith crosses paths with an old crush from school, returning wounded war hero Bobby Levitt, and she suddenly and desperately wants to regain her romantic dreams. But Bobby has been changed by the war, his injuries, and a guilty secret that tortures and embitters him. In the midst of their passionate affair, Judith questions her identity and her role in this war-torn world and soon realizes that nothing and no one will ever be the same again.

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