The Angel Falls Option
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The Angel Falls Option


作者: Michael J Farrar
出版年: 2004-5
页数: 268
定价: $ 19.15
ISBN: 9780595320103







Geologist David Hastings and his partner make a significant oil discovery in the Venezuelan rainforest. The discovery is adjacent to Angel Falls, the world's most pristine waterfalls. Although David's company, OilQuest International, publicly proclaimed that every effort was being undertaken to minimize the environmental impact of the project, David finds another unit within OilQuest is working on a covert development plan known as the Angel Falls Option. David's early jubilation over the oil discovery is further dampened by the sudden death of his partner under highly mysterious circumstances in Caracas. While probing both the death of his partner and the secretive details of the Option, David and his family become the targets of unknown assassins. The first attempt on their lives occurs in Plano, Texas. Fearing for their safety, he bundles his family off to Weekapaug, Rhode Island and then flies to Venezuela where the truth about the Option and the death of his partner are ultimately revealed. David takes on unusual enemies and allies as the action unfolds, commencing with a fierce struggle in the rainforest and ultimately the final confrontation in Dallas.

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