The Hundredth Woman
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The Hundredth Woman


作者: Kate Green
出版年: 2003-6
页数: 392
定价: $ 24.80
ISBN: 9780595279586







What if women hold the key to our future? Meet Morgan Forrester. Spirited and almost wise, she's a counselor and a mother and her life is good. But it isn't right. She aches from the pull of a destiny she senses but can't yet see while ancient fingers, icy and familiar, coil around her spine and a voice whispers that she'll never find her calling. The Carolina summer sizzles when she hooks up with a Cherokee environmentalist who must stop a nuclear dump and a cranky eccentric searching for her daughter--and their shaky roller coaster lurches forward. When the enormity of what each woman has determined to do strains against explosive secrets, the pull of lovers and children, their own cross-purposes and the manipulations of a deadly foe, they are nearly derailed. But mysterious allies, sacred women from another time, come to their aid. Vistas open as the trio discovers that their work to reclaim themselves is spiraling outward. If they can stay the course, they could create the matrix that frees women to lead the world toward a more humane future. Uplifting yet sassy, you could call it "The Saving Graces" meets "The Celestine Prophecy," seasoned with an irreverent dash of "Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood,"

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