YOU, Inc
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YOU, Inc


作者: John Hensel
出版年: 2004-2
页数: 128
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9780595274963







"YOU, Inc." is all about "you"--and your future. The ideas, principles, and strategies in YOU, Inc. will enable you to launch your life to the next level and beyond by discovering your passion and taking effective action to build the pillars of personal greatness and reach your unique, powerful potential. "YOU, Inc." is about re-inventing yourself, living by your own rules, having big fun, and finding the happiness and contentment that you deserve. John takes you on a journey through the depths of your psyche, asking tough questions and appealing to your deepest motivation to make life-launching decisions and personal charges. His powerful stories and principles get to the heart of the matter, inspiring you to take immediate action. To make your action steps effective and significant, you will learn how to apply the following innovative, world-class strategies: "Leadership Acuity, Imagineering, Mental Entrepreneurship, Personal Greatness, Raising Standards, Impact Leadership," and" Ultimate Possibility Thinking." John's humorous style and straightforward approach makes sense and provides deep, compelling insights which will motivate you to commit to the life-long quest to realize the loftiest of all achievements, "personal greatness," and reach your unique, powerful potential--the essence of "YOU, Inc. power."

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