Rhyme Writer
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Rhyme Writer


作者: Tracy N·C·Pearson
页数: 70
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9781424121793







This book is intended to be a powerful message maker. A voice of a minority directed toward a majority. A culmination of eight years of thought and growth conceived during my latter years of attendance at Florida Atlantic University, where I received my bacheloras degree in communication. It is a reflection of the way I see and saw the world from then to now. The poetry and essays in this book are special because they were written with a great deal of thought, love, and hope, examining many social and political aspects of our American society, and also raising our level of thinking about the environment, the world, and people near and around us. So, no matter what race the reader is, this book can bring you into another place, a beautiful place, where thought and imagination run wild and seeds of self-analysis can be sown. I thank God that he has blessed my mind and my hands to work together in harmony. I believe in my heart that I was born to write. It is the most ideal way for me to express myself. Throughout childhood, my teachers and people around me would encourage my writing, and as a result, my writing ability gained strength and power, as I too gained confidence and knowledge. Through my writing, I can 100% convey my thoughts, feelings and emotions in a way that can seldom be misconstrued or misunderstood (as I sometimes am through verbal communication). It is my outlet and my passion, and without it I am a lesser me. There is a poem or a thought for everyone in this work. You can digest or spit out any part of this book that you choose because, as with almost anything, there is the good and bad of it, mirroring life itself. Hopefully, you will digest more than you discard and, hopefully, you will get fat from the words I have put forth. My desire is for this book to be the catalyst that changes even one personas life or way of thinking, even if just for a moment in time.

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