Million Dollar Questions
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Million Dollar Questions


作者: John Peak R
出版年: 2005-10
页数: 224
定价: $ 16.89
ISBN: 9781420897579







Million Dollar QuestionsT is a book with the purpose of finding out exactly what the average person would be willing to do for a million dollars. In witty and sometimes plain ridiculous situations, author John R. Peak poses questions that would make even the most money hungry of us think twice about how much we really care about money. You will be tested to think about the importance of your religion, family, self respect, personal safety, and your health, just to name a few. This book will reveal to each of us that there are many things in our lives that are worth much more than a measly million dollars. In an increasingly materialistic society, it is long overdue that you ask yourself: "What Would You Do For A Million Dollars?T." Every time you turn on the television, you see someone doing something to try to win big money. Whether it's answering trivia questions on a game show, trying to be discovered as an entertainer or eating gross things that you would never normally eat, everyone is after the almighty dollar. This book is for the rest of us: we are the ones that watch the reality shows but will likely never be picked to be on one. They can have their shows and their easy money. Reality TV is a walk in the park when compared to the challenges presented here. As long as we are all sitting on the sidelines, we may as well be able to ask each other Million Dollar QuestionsT.

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