All The Way
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All The Way


作者: Charlie Jewett
出版年: 2005-12
页数: 368
定价: $ 20.33
ISBN: 9781420890655







Jamie Conner has just received his Bachelor's degree in Divinity and has been ordained as a Baptist minister. He still has four more years as a student, and those years will prove just as stormy as his first two in Chicago. He begins his first year as a graduate student by becoming Interim Pastor to a church who have lost their Minister. Jamie's job is not only to supply normal ministerial duties, but also to encourage healing and recovery from a very unpleasant situation. Ever willing to express his opinion honestly and openly, he finds himself in hot water from the start. It seems that all the forces in the world are out to prevent the young musical preacher from completing his education. In the remaining four years of his scholarship, Jamie will face unexpected death of cherished loved ones; he will be assaulted both physically and mentally. He will be drugged and accused, and as usual, practically worked to death. The very roots of his faith will be challenged as never before, and Jamie will experience doubts about his faith, his ability, and at times, his own sanity.

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