The Way of the Will
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The Way of the Will


作者: Shelby McDonald
出版年: 2005-9
页数: 412
定价: $ 22.54
ISBN: 9781420863239







If you were to ask me to sum up this story in as few words as possible, I would have to say it is a self-help book. It is about faith and having the will to find your way. It is for anyone who has ever had to endure so much that to end it all seemed like the only way out. This story proves that you are never alone regardless of the situation...for others have been there also. This story is true. It is an all American family saga that spans over one hundred years. It covers a mother and her ten children's journey from the cradle to the grave...for all but one. They endure just about any and all forms of hardships, struggles, stumbling blocks and tragedies that one could imagine. It includes the aftermath of suicide, paying one's debt to society, wrong choices, manic depression and guilt. There are interracial marriages, sibling rivalries and divorce. It is about coping with in-laws, extended families and teenage rebellion. It centers on the devastation of alcohol abuse and losing loved ones far too soon. You are thinking, "why would anyone want to read about such sadness and negative events?.,."because our story proves that there is always hope...that any and all devastation can be overcome with faith. You will most likely find yourself or someone you know between these pages...for no family is perfect nor without its' skeletons. You will learn that behind every cloud there is a rainbow...behind every tear there is laughter...and with every tragedy...there often comes triumph with a new beginning. And with every goodbye...we learn and we grow How can I be so sure? Because I have lived through this journey. I am that only surviving sibling and the only one left who can tell our story.

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