The LJ Chronicles
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The LJ Chronicles


作者: Johnny M·Wells
页数: 148
定价: $ 17.52
ISBN: 9781420833232







The LJ (Love Jones) Chronicles, is a representation of emotional photographs, taken from the camera of life, just when you thought no one was looking. Not necessarily an agreeable point of view, but if you ever had an addiction, you are aware of the condition, of having a Jones for something. I have at times been the photographer, and at times had my emotions captured in the dark room. Still the light of day, reflects things you did not see behind the flash, so the photo is indeed worth a thousand words. Having been a soldier and having soldiered for things I will not compromise, I only hope that some of these poems can remind you of some happy photos in life. If not happy days, maybe real ones, as in the end they are one in the same. So that your journey thru these pages may make you smile, contemplate and think. Having a Jones for Love has kept me sitting by the fire, at the risk of being burned, and or sweating like a junkie from the heat. Now that you have been invited to look thru my album of feelings, and museum of thoughts, look at this from both sides. Your interpretation of the lines and the thoughts, are what you see, looking through the camera, of your own Jones.

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