Elements of Reality
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Elements of Reality


作者: D·Miner J
出版年: 2006-2
页数: 290
定价: $ 31.58
ISBN: 9781413785692







Elements of Reality is a fantasy novel about Pardaris Ravenstorme, the youngest and last son of the Ravenstorme Clan, growing up in a time where ancient enemies have returned and conspire to rule a world they believe they were destined to, but lost in two wars to the Rige Druixes (the Wise Power). After a kidnaping at an English private school Pardaris attended, Arregan Ravenstorme enrolls his son in Baylewick Academy, believing him to safe there. But he naturally has his share of enemies and rivals in school, and with this older sister Rhiannon watching over him, this school of sorcery is far from easy for him. In his first year his roommate and other schoolmates become addicted to an herb that drives Pardarisa roommate insane and Pardaris has to stop him before the rampage kills more than one in the school. Pardaris stops Casper, but at the cost of Casperas sanity. The encounter leaves Pardaris scarred emotionally, but also brings Pardarisas abilities to the attention of the Ruad ro Fhess (the lord of Sarum Dru). After two months of vacation--and saving a princess and her handmaiden--Pardaris is advanced one class after his return. His second year at the academy starts with a magic duel and another rampaging monster in the halls of the academy that through a little science helps Pardaris vanquish the electrical creature. However, the result of the attack has crippled the school for a few days, giving he and Rhiannon the opportunity to attend a royal wedding. Before the wedding, a dutiful squire named Challer is assigned to protect the Ravenstorme siblings, and Pardaris also gets a gift, Thrush, the girl he saved that summer from a dark sorcerer. The bride has reservations, but thewedding still goes on. Until...the kingdom is overrun by the Nimmerian army. Pardaris, Rhiannon, Challer and Thrush escape, but wherever they go, the enemy is there also. Even Sarum Dru is overrun by this army of giants, ogres, trolls, and dark faeries. One of their stops happened to be into the throne city of their enemies where they witness the birth of the Ring Warders prophesied leader, Raxeon, who will deliver their god from the Nothing to rule the world. Their escape from Alnerac Mar lands them in more trouble as they arrive in Sarum Dru while the Nimmerian Army invades Sarum Dru. In the fight, Pardarisa father sends them to one place he hopes his children will be safe. Nevertheless, the family homestead is also under attack and the four valiantly fought the invaders, but they had one chance to escape. But where should they go next?

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