Barefoot in Venice
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Barefoot in Venice


作者: Rana Ayzeren
出版年: 2004-11
页数: 148
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9781413739510







God wanted us to experience life to have five senses and enjoy every moment. He did not guarantee for our lasting health. He said that one of the rules was to accept the fact that in life we would lose our loved ones. Any magical moment would disappear in the blink of an eye and we would lose our lives any moment from birth. If we accept those rules, we can enjoy life, every single moment of it. Life is our choice for individual unique missions. To be able to remember that mission, we need to listen to our intuition every day and try to choose the best emotions for our experiences along the way. As I was tickling one day, I remembered that we cannot tickle ourselves. That's because the element of surprise would be missing. Life needs to be full of surprises and challenges, in order to reach our mission. We are here to experience life in a profound way and change one life with one single sentence maybe, or change many lives as a result of that single act or sentence. We all belong to one light. Being individuals uniquely just like snowflakes is meant to teach us that illusion can be challenging for our decisions and choices, but leads to a path to unite again.

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