One Leg Up
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One Leg Up


作者: Margee Driscoll
出版年: 2006-1
页数: 198
定价: $ 28.19
ISBN: 9781413780741







Into every personas life a little rain must fall. And fall the rain did when Theresa, a defenseless college student, finds herself in prison for a crime which she did not commit. While Theresa cared for a severely handicapped child, who was born to Greek immigrants, the child died. Theresa was sentenced to two years in a womenas penitentiary--a sentence that nearly drove Theresa to suicide. Lost in a fog of despondency, Theresa designs a meditative practice which enables her to thrive amidst the pitiful circumstances into which she has been thrown. But beyond the meditative exercises, Theresa is fortunate to have as her cellmate Bernadette, a feisty prostitute from Butte, Montana. Together, Theresa and Bernadette empty their shredded hearts and slowly nourish one another with opulent refined dignity. With the help of heaven, both women break through the confines of conditional love and blossom into virtuous femininity. Set in the 1970s and early 1980s in the state of Montana, One Leg Up spins a tale of tragedies within families and desperation within souls. All is not lost, however. Patience, luck and faith triumph over the most odious of human tendencies. In the end, the reader is reminded that love is truly the greatest gift of all.

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