HTML5 for Masterminds
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HTML5 for Masterminds


作者: J·D·Gauchat
出版社: CreateSpace
副标题: How to take advantage of HTML5 to create amazing websites and revolutionary applications
出版年: 2011-6-24
页数: 418
ISBN: 9781463604059







We are on the verge of a revolution. The web is becoming the main developing platform and the primary source for information and software. In recent years, mobile devices have turned Internet applications from possibilities into necessities, and now computers that work exclusively on the web are being developed and sold. The software for the web is getting more sophisticated than ever and is replacing desktop applications once and for all. This level of change is both experimental and radical, and HTML5 is making it possible.

HTML5 for Masterminds leads the reader step by step to gain essential knowledge and to master complex subjects included in the HTML5 specification. After reading this book, you will know how to structure your documents with HTML5, how to style them with CSS3 and how to work with the most powerful Javascript APIs.


J.D. Gauchat is an independent web programmer and an entrepreneur dedicated to identify opportunities in markets around the world. He has worked in multiple projects for the past 10 years, wrote articles about HTML, CSS, PHP and Javascript and currently develops webs and web applications implementing cutting-edge technology for a living.

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