The 21st Century Mother's Guide to Managing Time and Taking Control of Your Life!
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The 21st Century Mother's Guide to Managing Time and Taking Control of Your Life!


作者: Susan Tatsui-D'Arcy
出版年: 2006-12
页数: 99
定价: $ 16.94
ISBN: 9780615137674







This guide takes mothers through all the steps they'll need to restore order and organization to their life and the lives of those around them. The program emphasizes time management, careful planning, and ongoing communication with family and coworkers. Mothers are guided to enter all their regular commitments into the planner. But there's also an eye for the bigger picture; long-term goals are entered next and then they are broken into more manageable subtasks. Next mothers are shown how to coordinate with the other members of their family and how to get them organized too. Three chapters are devoted to cooking, housekeeping, and shopping. There is a fun chapter dedicated to scheduling "time for you," as well as a chapter on maintaining motivation and a chapter on miscellaneous ways to better utilize time. After following these steps, you'll be amazed at how much more time you have and how much more in control you feel

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