The Whispers Of My Heart
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The Whispers Of My Heart


作者: Sonia Sharma Banks
出版年: 2007-9
页数: 372
定价: $ 39.49
ISBN: 9780595703807







Through The Whispers of My Heart, the author allows the reader to experience and explore personal emotions through her words of love, grief and hope. The Whispers of My Heart can best be described as a movement of poetry. It is a compilation of expressions: lessons, poetry, observations, memories and thought. Each art of prose encapsulates intrinsic human sentiments and seizes the core of a soul. Lessons of living from deep grief and despair to the joy of success and family are artfully and gracefully embodied in each of the Expressions contained in this marvel of words that can only have emanated from deep in the heart. The Whispers of My Heart reveals the science of family bonds and family devotion. The Whispers of My Heart was born from great sorrow, absolute pain, cruel and senseless human destruction but grew into an inspiration of faith, conviction and devotion to a family which carries a deep heritage of honor, pride and prestige. The Expressions may have originated as personal to the author, but have arresting universal appeal to everyone of all ages, as the author captures the essence of sorrow, loss, promise, hope and above all love in its many forms.

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