A Consideration of
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A Consideration of


作者: Adam Charles Rutherford
出版年: 2008-5
页数: 108
定价: $ 13.50
ISBN: 9780595485154







"A Consideration of: Reality, Human Nature, and Metaphysics" is just that, a consideration of reality, human nature, and metaphysics. Dealing with reality, and more specifically how every person's perception of reality is different for numerous reasons and is the reason for an illusionary existence. It is written while looking at topics from various subjects such as human emotions, psychology, physics, and others. Looking at human nature on a basis of intelligence, specifically how the intelligence level in humans has become a burden upon all mankind on an individual basis and in small and large group dynamics, we look at how humans can be conflicted by discussing the conflict of the heart and mind in regards to love as well as the conflict of the main divisions of the mind from Freudian psychology. And finally mathematical concepts and constructs as well as theoretical sciences, especially physics from a metaphysical standpoint. By looking at the big bang theory, the universe expansion and contraction theory, wormhole theory, and even Einstein's theory of relativity, we come to see how erroneous these so-called accepted theories actually are by observing them logically, rationally, and with common sense. All the while trying to keep it simple.

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