Word Speaking
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Word Speaking


作者: Benjamin Wrubel
出版年: 2007-9
页数: 228
定价: $ 29.32
ISBN: 9780595466764







"Word Speaking" is a collection of poems, which are uniquely personal while at the same time being universally experienced. Benjamin Wrubel writes down thoughts that many of us contemplate though few take the opportunity to put down on paper. It is this latter task of taking one's own perspective and generalizing it that makes this work so accessible. It is not often that such a wide range of emotions is transcribed and laid out in such an eclectic manner. Whether your viewpoint is from one who gives to gets, or as one who wins to doesn't, or as one who's in love to isn't you will see exactly what he does. "It Happens" that Happenstance does occur; "Between, Besides and Amongst" us all are common Statements; "As Such" is precisely as it seems As Such; "From One Generation To The Next" we will always have Questions; and "Word Speaking" is often on The Other Side Of . The world is a wonderful place yet we often don't look at it that way. After reading these words once, twice, or over and over again, you too will agree that Benjamin Wrubel's "Word Speaking" should be part of your collection as well.

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