A Parents' Guide to College Admissions
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A Parents' Guide to College Admissions


作者: Jim Judson
出版年: 2007-6
页数: 56
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9780595438952







The book is a wake-up call to parents. Most parents have almost no idea the difficult challenge their child will face when it comes to earning admission into a top college or university. They almost all make a common but costly mistake thinking good report cards alone are enough. Because these days, the best colleges and universities are relying heavily on a student's SAT or ACT scores, and far too many students are woefully ill prepared when it comes to taking these vitally important exams. Additionally, courses provided by high schools and test prep companies are usually severely inadequate. Mr. Judson analyzed what these tests could mean for a youngster's life and career. The results found were astonishing: improving their SAT or ACT scores could lead to doubling or tripling or even quadrupling their career success and income. It could mean getting into the more prestigious schools, which yields a lifelong abundance of benefits. Mr. Judson offers strategies to maximize a child's opportunities for a top-flight college education and finding top tutors who can work well to truly help students. He also focuses on the regional biases of top colleges and universities that particularly discriminate against students in the tri-state area.

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