Megan's Magic Glasses
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Megan's Magic Glasses


作者: Judi L·Sterne
出版年: 2005-10
页数: 28
定价: $ 22.59
ISBN: 9781420870718







Megan's' Magic Glasses came to be because of an actual experience. A little girl had just come into the Optical shop after seeing the Eye doctor. The little girl was very scared. She was crying and would not lift her head off her mother's chest. With a little time and conversation, I was able to fit the child with eyeglasses. Her upsetting experience led me to believe that other young children probably feel the same. That night I stopped at our local mall to find a book for this child about eyeglasses. After looking for quite some time, I found one book. It was not exactly what I was looking for. The book explained about eyeglasses, but not what happens during the visit to the eye doctor. When the little girl came back to get her new glasses I gave her the book along with the glasses. It made the experience a little better for her. The book helped the little girl to relax. It was then I decided I would write a book for children that explains the process of getting glasses, and to help children realize getting eyeglasses isn't scary and can be a very pleasant experience.

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