"Creators: Cracking New Worlds" follows the budding romance of Yohan and Sierra as she mysteriously disappears from their peaceful native village of Suchima. Yohan's adventure starts shortly after his harrowing experience with the giant Sisiutl eel on Gathering Day. Yohan obtains a companion at the start of his quest to find Sierra from the ever jolly and curious Mistaapew. His companion is a robotic ringtail named Keiko who scampers to Yohan and Sierra's aid more than once during their perilous adventures in new worlds and moons far from home. The trio's journey throws them into the deadly battle between the Moki of the planet Nefar and Yietso of the planet Hadar. "Creators" is a fast paced science fiction adventure with a unique twist. Characters and places have been derived from Native American folklore, myths and legends.