Feng Shui for Your Relationships
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Feng Shui for Your Relationships


作者: Linda J Binns
出版年: 2006-11
页数: 120
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9780595408559







Whether it's your spouse or significant other, your family, children boss, coworkers or the person at the check-out, there are many people that you interact with every day. We have many relationships in our lives and they don't always function as well as we wish they would. We know that by using the principles of Feng Shui to make simple changes in our home or work environments we can bring about positive change in our lives. This book looks specifically at how our homes and workplaces affect the relationships in our lives. With exercises at the end of each chapter, you will take a good look at these relationships-at what is working well and what you may like to change/improve. This will help you set your intention. In each chapter you will learn how to identify key areas that affect your relationships and you will learn what simple things you can do to improve the energy around them. The end result is more balance and harmony for all as relationships improve, and life gains more clarity.

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