Journey to Love
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Journey to Love


作者: Peter Gebeshian
出版年: 2006-9
页数: 160
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9780595383337







"Usually people created discomfort for him in some form and got on his nerves, and he would end up pushing them away eventually. Therefore, he did not possess many friends-just the distant kind. The kind that were there but far-reaching, who could not see him fully and vice versa. That, to him, was comfort." New Year's Eve 1999 marks the dawn of a new century. Two young men, Zeus and Azad, venture onto the streets of Los Angeles to celebrate the occasion. But sudden twists of fate turn their lives upside down: Zeus suffers injuries from an automobile accident, and Azad meets and falls in love with another man. Both men are linked by their pasts. They grew up together and attended the same high school, maintaining occasional contact even after graduation. Now, Zeus is a workaholic in the music business, and Azad is a successful lawyer. But in the first few months of the new century, both are forced to confront their haunted pasts. Zeus and Azad struggle for control over their lives as they seek the respect and honest love that each of them so desperately craves. "Journey to Love" exposes the difficult emotions people must endure to accept themselves and live authentic lives.

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