Think & Date Like A Man
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Think & Date Like A Man


作者: April Masini
出版年: 2005-11
页数: 168
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9780595374663







"Think and Date Like A Man" is not for the faint-of-heart, the easily embarrassed, or ladies wanting a feel-good session. It's direct, refreshingly real, and at times, down and dirty, just like actual relationships with men "Think and Date Like A Man" is for women who are ready to hear the bold, honest, and often times brutal truth, about how and what men-and not just any men, but the most successful and wealthy men think about women. But that's just the tip of the dating iceberg. In this tell-all book, April Masini will take you on a step-by-step journey turning you into that exciting and elusive woman that successful and powerful men want. And if anyone would know, it's April. She has dated (and married ) some of the most successful, wealthy, and famous A-List men. Now she wants to show you how you can, too "Think and Date Like A Man" is a combination of April's professional and personal expertise and experiences, her philosophies and strategies, along with her trademark humor and lots of juicy dating tidbits about the world of high-level dating. You'll find revealing insights into the minds of successful, rich, and powerful men, while uncovering the secret to attracting, captivating, and keeping them. After reading this book, you will know so much about thinking and dating like a man that you'll become the dating guru to every single woman who knows you. And the best part is you'll be so confident in yourself that you'll never give a second thought to revealing these tips to the competition. You can't ask for much more from a book than that-well you could, but that would be greedy

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