The Girl On The Moon
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The Girl On The Moon


作者: Lizzy Morrow
出版年: 2005-10
页数: 284
定价: $ 20.28
ISBN: 9780595373369







A diary; honest, edgy, raw and downright brutal. "The Girl On The Moon" is no exception. Our narrator's life isn't exactly the way she had hoped it would be at age thirty. She's found out her ex-boyfriend has gotten married, and she hasn't had a date in months. She's living in a cramped apartment. Her mother has become a spectacle, her social life has dwindled down, and she's having panic attacks, and developed an obnoxious case of paranoia. Even Porkchop, her cat, seems to be judging her. It seems she's starring in a theatrical show as the character full of folly. She decides to take control of her life, and her self-esteem. But real life has ups and downs. Real life doesn't allow one to make mistakes without repeating humiliating history. Real life deals out cards we aren't always prepared to play. As she moves through her journey she discovers feeling crazy seems to attract other crazy people like a magnet. Will she find herself? Will she find what she's looking for? Will she get it all and still have her sanity left when it's all said and done? Leave your manners at the door. Everyone else in the diary has.

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