The Life in the Wood with Joni-Pip
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The Life in the Wood with Joni-Pip


作者: Carrie King  |  James Boddy  |  David Durnford
出版年: 2009-6
页数: 342
定价: $ 15.76
ISBN: 9780955524646







This is the second edition of the practically text-only edition (although there are now 45 pencil drawings instead of 4). It is a Mysterious, Fun, Fantasy Adventure that really gets you guessing right to the end. Joni-Pip appeals to all ages. The Author has been described as the next 'J.K. Rowling' and 'The New Enid Blyton, with attitude'. Best Selling Author, R.J. Ellory describes Joni-Pip as 'A rare feast, a fabulous journey ' Famous Artist, Jose McKinnon describes Joni-Pip as 'Absolutely enchanting, with action on every page ." Carrie King is a sellout at all her Book Events and Signings. Joni-Pip fans have formed The Circleite Book Club (as Joni-Pip is the first of The Circles Trilogy), and they sent The Prime Minister of The UK, Gordon Brown, a copy, which he has replied to, thanking them personally. Joni-Pip is the story of a spoilt, brattish Anglo-American girl, living in England during The Second World War. After the bombing of Bath (her beloved City), in 1942, her American Father moves the family to the safety of their Country Cottage (Knotty Knook), in Berry Bush, on the edge of Sherwood Forest. On the way there, they stop for a picnic and unseen to the others, Joni-Pip receives a visit from three strangers, a girl and two boys. They tell her that she must change and become a nice girl, as her very future depends on it The next day, Joni-Pip is handed an old note by her Grandfather. He had found it in the Ruin of a Workhouse that had burnt down in 1892. The Ruin lay in the woods by Joni-Pip's cottage. The note was from a little Victorian girl, Amelia Plate, who had died, along with all the other children in the Workhouse Fire. At this time Joni-Pip and her friends receive visitors from 2007, who leave them with a Formula. They immediately set out to try and unravel the Formula, enlisting the help of Archimedes Spindlethrop, the 'thought to be' Mad Inventor. They all then set out on a 'fabulous journey' trying to work out the way to go back in Time and save the children, who all died in the Workhouse Fire. There are many set backs and bumps on the way but when they do manage to change the Past they return to find great and strange changes along with unexpected surprises that Joni-Pip and her friends never imagined There is a wonderful twist at the end, preparing the way for BOOK TWO of The Circles Trilogy, the publication of which is eagerly anticipated by so many adults and children alike.

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