the sudden blank page at the end..._The Last Lecture书评-查字典图书网
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D.B The Last Lecture 的书评 发表时间:2009-04-24 21:04:55

the sudden blank page at the end...

this book is more or less a monologue of a terminally ill cancer patient. he wanted to live but he will soon die. he wanted to leave some legacy but his time is so limited. but overall he wanted to give his life a novelty finale. So he gave a lecture, or a retrospect about his life, the LAST LECTURE

it's a string of stories and from each he was trying to put across a point. a point that looks totally commonplace but in the prospect of a looming death, every point became so different.

I read this book on and off during the trip, until on the plane back home, i finished it. and i was utterly stunned...not by the stories, but by the sudden blank, absolutely BLANK pages at the end...the book, all the stories, thoughts flows to a abrupt halt here...Randy, til this moment, I have to say, you drove it all home.

I don't want to say, I learned a lot from this book. because lots of the lessons are personal. it may not apply in my life. but one thing, one point, strikes sound and loud:

life is a suitcase, we travel with it and we pack various things into it. Let's pack as much love, gratitude, fun, meaningful stories and as little complaint, regret, hatred, and wasted days.

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