Due to increased global integration, the prospects for developing countries are now more closely tied to trends in global growth and trade patterns. This year's Global Development Finance 2002 examines the current global economic slowdown and the prospects for global economic recovery. Key themes that emerge from this report stress that further progress in poverty reduction will require improvements in the investment climate in developing countries, an increase in the financial assistance from industrial countries, and an opening of industrial country markets. The two volumes, Analysis and Summary Tables and Country Tables are available as a set. These two handy volumes provide expert commentary and analysis on global economic growth and complete statistical data for 136 countries that report debt under the World Bank Debtor Reporting System. There are over 30 summary tables, which provide a statistical overview. The Analysis and Summary Tables is also offered as a stand-alone. It offers expert commentary on prospects for global economic growth, private capital flows to developing countries, and trends in net official finance. Country Tables presents detailed data for 136 countries that report public and publicly guaranteed debt under the World Bank Debtor Reporting System. Internal debt stocks and flows, major economic aggregates, and debt restructuring are provided for 1970, 1980, 1990, and 1993 through 2000. This year's edition presents an overview of developments in capital flows in 2000 along with summary tables designed to facilitate cross-country comparisons of key debt statistics, and tables on debt and resource flows for selected country groups.