Presidential Addresses of the American Philosophical Association
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Presidential Addresses of the American Philosophical Association


作者: Richard T·Hull
出版年: 2001-10
页数: 696
定价: $ 326.57
ISBN: 9780792360438







Like the first three volumes in this series, this text contains the record of leaders of this philosophical society during a decade in the 20th century. Along with the addresses delivered before the Association's meetings during the years of the Great Depression, the collection provides an image and biographical sketch of the past presidents of the three divisions of the Association who served during the period 1931-1940. Included is the first English publication of one of the "lost" presidents of the Western Division, Charles Bruce Vibbert. While some other works are now appearing that contain some biographical facts and brief characterizations of the lives and works of some of the past presidents of The APA, this volume and its companions in the "American Philosophical Association Centennial Series" presents the full array of individuals who served the organization as its presidents. The work also contains a chart of departments in which the past presidents of this decade studied and served, together with a chart of birthplaces of these presidents, not all of whom were born in America.

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