Spectra for the Identification of Additives in Food Packaging
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Spectra for the Identification of Additives in Food Packaging


作者: Ben Van Lierop  |  Laurence Castle  |  Alexandre Feigenbaum
出版年: 1998-2
页数: 533
定价: $ 379.68
ISBN: 9780792349860







This handbook provides essential practical information for Industrial and State Control Laboratories and others concerned with ensuring compliance with European Community directive 90/128/EEC relating to plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffs. This new book on additives used in plastics for food contact can be seen as a companion to Spectra for the Identification of Monomers in Food Packaging (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993). The handbook begins with a chapter describing the legal framework and the implementation of the European legislation. There is a brief description of the Dutch fast method to test compliance with legislation using this handbook. Then, a collection of spectra is given for the identification of a hundred of the most important additives used in plastic packaging and coatings. These additives were selected from Synoptic Document N. 7 after extensive consultation with researchers in the field and with representatives from European industry. For every additive there is an entry in the handbook giving the structural formula, CAS and PM number and trivial name, together with information on physical characteristics, the food contact uses of the derived plastic materials. There is a brief description of the analytical approach for testing compliance with SML or QM limits and reference to the literature including European research projects. FT-IR, MS and 1H-NMR spectra are proved in standard format for each substance, and gas-chromatographic retention data are provided as a help in identification. Most of the additives listed in this volume will be made available on request as reference substances as either the pure substance or as a calibrant solution.

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