The Centenary of a Paper on Slow Viscous Flow by the Physicist H.A.Lorentz
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The Centenary of a Paper on Slow Viscous Flow by the Physicist H.A.Lorentz


作者: H·K·Kuiken
出版年: 1996-4
页数: 312
定价: $ 111.87
ISBN: 9780792339588







This text commemorates the appearance in 1896 of a paper on slow viscous flow, written by the physicist and Nobel laureate H.A. Lorentz. Although Lorentz is not remembered by most as a fluid dynamicist - indeed, his fame rests primarily on his contributions to the theory of electrons, electrodynamics and early developments in relativity - his fluid-mechanics paper of 1896 contains many ideas which have remained important in fluid mechanics. In that short paper he put forward his reciprocal theorem (an integral-equation formulation which is used extensively nowadays in boundary-element calculations) and his reflection theorem. Furthermore, he must be credited with the invention of the stokeslet. Each of the authors highlight further developments of one of Lorentz's ideas. There are applications in sintering, micropolar fluids, bubbles, locomotion of micro-organisms, non-Newtonian fluids, drag calculations, etc. Other contributions are of a more theoretical nature, such as the flow due to an array of stokeslets, the interaction between a drop and a particle, the interaction of a particle and a vortex, the reflection theorem for other geometries, a disk moving along a wall and a higher-order investigation. Lorentz's paper of 1896 is also included in an English translation. An introductory paper puts Lorentz's work in fluid mechanics in a wider perspective. His other venture in fluid mechanics - his theoretical modelling on the enclosure of the Zuyderzee - is also discussed. The introduction also presents a short description of Lorentz's life and times.

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