Women and Domestic Violence
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Women and Domestic Violence


作者: Lynette Feder
出版年: 1999-6
页数: 98
定价: $ 61.59
ISBN: 9780789006752







You can come to understand the nature, causes, consequences, and treatments for domestic violence!In reading Women and Domestic Violence: An Interdisciplinary Approach, you'll come to see the need for a more transdisciplinary attack on one of the world's greatest and most historically prevalent social crimes: spouse abuse. This collection of legal, psychological, criminological, and law enforcement approaches to this long-standing problem will expand your range of understanding and more directly focus your efforts to stamp out family abuse in your neighborhood.Overall, Women and Domestic Violence will show you how spousal abuse has damaged our society since the times of Homer, rocked our families since the colonists settled in America, and strained our prisons since the days of Julius Caesar. Also, more importantly, you'll explore current data regarding police handlings of domestic abuse calls and see what today's psychological literature is saying about the developments of this behavioral disorder. Specifically, you'll read about: the history of wife abuse the latest trends in civil legal relief an overview of how police deal with domestic violence calls the impact of batterer counseling on the frequency of domestic assault incidentsEveryone, including chiefs of police, family science educators, law professors, judges, and psychologists interested in stemming the rising tide of domestic assault occurrences will want to read Women and Domestic Violence. Its timely and up-to-date contents will help steer your community away from repeating history's shameful mistakes, and you'll find what you can do in your field to restore discipline and contentment to the families in your neighborhood.

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