Creating High-Performance Government Organizations
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Creating High-Performance Government Organizations


作者: Mark G·Popovich
出版年: 1998-4
页数: 224
定价: 325.00元
ISBN: 9780787941024







This is the most challenging time for public management that I have seen in my 35 years of public and non--profit service. The ?survivors,a ten years from now, will be working in systems they could not possibly imagine now. They will have gotten there not just by luck, but by the full commitment of all members of their organizations and by dramatically different methods of public engagement. This book is an excellent resource for starting that journey and for assessing the progress of efforts to date. ?James Kunde, executive director, Coalition to Improve Management in State and Local Government Creating High--Performance Government Organizations presents practical advice and tools that managers and innovators at every level of government can use in molding their organizations into results--oriented, mission--driven operations. Developed by a top--notch author team under the auspices of The Alliance for Redesigning Government, these recommAndations are rooted in the authorsa years of experience in the public and private sectors, and thorough research into the theory and practice of organizational transformation. The more than three dozen cases presented here will help you understand what high--performance organizations are and develop a clearer understanding of the preconditions to major change, the steps essential to getting started, and ways to overcome common roadblocks along the way.

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