The Archaic Smile
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The Archaic Smile


作者: Ramun Bjerken
出版年: 2005-9
页数: 184
定价: $ 19.15
ISBN: 9780595369065







We have in Our Time arrived at a stage in human evolution where we are finally able to apply reason to replace supernatural imagery as our most direct means of spiritual participation in ultimate reality. But when we turn to our most fundamental science to affirm our rational foundation and guide the quest, we are drawn to another responsibility because modern physics has made commitments to models saturated with paradox and singularities and has become inconsistent with its own heritage. Modern physics has been accused of developing religious characteristics due to its faith in an established authority accepting "ad hoc" solutions as permanent characteristics of reality. Our charge is to start over. My 45-year effort begins with a natural source for the harmonious order structuring science, and continues as a dynamic model unifying gravitation, light, and consciousness within the continuity of reason and the vector of evolution. Its simple comprehensiveness is accessible to any high school science student, but it is directed at the creatively aware in every field, because the future has been thrust into their hands at this most crucial period. It is the acceptance and dedication to that trust that draws out the archaic smile.

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