Innovative Relevance
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Innovative Relevance


作者: Mark P Dangelo
出版年: 2005-8
页数: 264
定价: $ 24.80
ISBN: 9780595364480







'Mark Dangelo's insight and pragmatic advice make this book a must read to all involved in an MandA. He brings clear visibility to the underlying causes of the disappointments so rampant in failing to meet pre-deal expectations. His guidance takes the mystique out of the MandA equation and delivers actionable insights for success." -W. Bruce Newcome GM and CTO Theoris, Inc. 'As in other industries, mergers and acquisitions are a fact of life for the mortgage industry. But they don't work just because someone went shopping. Mark Dangelo's little book is one acquirers, acquirees and MandA teams should carry around in their back pockets to deal proactively with the challenges and opportunities brought by the new marriage." -Scott Kersnar Editor "Mortgage Technology Magazine" 'Tomorrow's post-deal challenges bring far different struggles from those that we face today. Having been involved with more than one significant post-deal environment, I only wish I could have referenced this outstanding 'playbook' for the valuable insight that it holds. This book will be referenced by integration teams worldwide for years to come." -Stephen L. Furry Managing Partner S.L. Furry and Associates Former Senior Partner with PwC and Ernst and Young

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