Skiing the New Easier Way
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Skiing the New Easier Way


作者: Duncan Reid
出版年: 2004-12
页数: 112
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9780595338917







For recreational skiers "You have skillfully and accurately described and analyzed a brand new technique that anyone can learn in a quarter of the time it took to learn the old technique. It is a technique that empowers the student to rapidly achieve heights never before possible." --Recreational skier, Tom Humphrey For those of higher levels of skills "I have harassed you for a long time to be more interested in "cross-under" and that good skiing consists in a long S turn, not a series of individual turns. By whatever route, you have come to understand these things; and that is great. I admire the work you have done." --Master Coach, Warren Witherell "I know it has made me a better skier and has made the last few seasons interesting and fun for me and the folks that I do a lot of my skiing with." --Veteran junior race coach, Fred Pease "The Reids relay through their love of skiing and teaching a technique based on what works not what ought to work. Thus, this book is worthwhile reading for the Week-end Skier as well as the World Cup Ski Coach." --Ron Kipp, former Director of Athlete Preparation for the USST

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