Locked Secrets
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Locked Secrets


作者: Robin Claussen
出版年: 2005-3
页数: 192
定价: $ 15.76
ISBN: 9780595338443







His best friend and business partner had been searching for Alissa Lockhart for years. When Noah Collington boards an oilrig to reconfigure the computers and install a security program for Conquest Oil Company he makes an unexpected discovery. Alissa Lockhart is on board the oilrig as well. Now all he has to do is convince her to return with him to his hometown, Gemini Dakota, to see his partner who happens to be her big brother. That task is easier said than done considering Alissa doesn't want anything to do with either one of them. Alissa Lockhart didn't need her brother or his partner. She was twenty-five, a successful welding specialist for Conquest Oil and she'd had enough heartache to last her a lifetime. The only problem was Noah Collington wasn't going to leave her alone until she agreed to accompany him back to Gemini Dakota. Which left her only one thing to do: lock all her secrets up and throw away the key. The heartache her brother had caused her by walking away from their family was nothing compared to the heartache her secrets could inflict on him if unlocked.

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