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作者: Dale Pedersen
出版年: 2004-11
页数: 52
定价: $ 10.11
ISBN: 9780595331581







"I read "Lorelei" and find it a wonderful and refreshing book."--Kathlyn Rhea, author of "The Psychic Is You" and "Mind Sense," Principal Architect for over 50 years Dale Pedersen has encountered every type of building, new and old, good and bad, some with kindred spirits, some with none at all. His mind has been on his endeavors day and night, awake and asleep, all thoughts melded together; what is real-what is imagined he cannot separate. He has been clairvoyant on occasion which brought this book to mind some years ago. His experiences and dreams are portrayed in his encounter with "Lorelei." He is convinced she is a spirit staying earthbound to interrupt the natural flow of death to rebirth. It is left up to the reader to decide what, or if "Lorelei" is. A demolition contract superintendent, prior to demolishing an 1860's condemned Victorian residence encounters spirits in the structure he is to destroy. He becomes so infatuated with the Victorian and its spiritual inhabitants that he neglects his duties to complete the task. Next an architect commissioned to improve the vacant property after the completed demolition encounters the inhabitants as he walks the lot. Others brought in to work on the site are exposed to the wayward spirits in varying degrees. Some are aware but most have no recognition. A young, lovely apprentice architect defines the spirits and is dedicated to aiding their return Home.

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