One Man's Junk Is God's Treasure
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One Man's Junk Is God's Treasure


作者: E·Chantaye Watson
出版年: 2004-10
页数: 160
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9780595330935







This book of poetry is about knowing that you are a treasure to God. No matter who you are, what you've done, what you look like or what you've gone through God loves you and wants to take you from the trash pile of this world and restore you. Everything that concerns you concerns Him. So many people are hurting, without hope and condemning themselves because they think that God wouldn't want to love them just because man doesn't love them. Trust me, there is no pile too big that He can't take you, love on you and clean you up. He is a restorer. I am a testimony of that. When man throws you out on the trash pile after he has used and abused you, God says hey, I can do something with you. There is purpose in you. You are a great man or woman of God. You are what I say you are. You are beautiful to me. I love you. Have you ever been to a garage sale and found the bargain of a lifetime? An old vase, old silverware that looked like it had been run over a thousand times, but it was just something about it. You saw past the tarnish and knew the potential it had when you got it home and cleaned and shined it up. Well my brothers and sisters that's how God sees us. He sees potential. He sees what you can be

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