Second Best
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Second Best


作者: W G Fraser
出版年: 2004-8
页数: 236
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9780595328819







On the rocky shores of Connecticut, 200 year-old church steeples stick up from every town. In the colonial shadows, men like Dunker and Robbie tend to lose their dreams and sink deep into a comfortable rut. But a collision with a woman who has her own ideas about steering from one day to the next can knock any mother's son for a loop. "Second Best" is about surviving such head-on accidents. Nadine, a real-estate agent and former college hockey player, harbors a yen for nautical adventure. Joan, a psychiatrist with a latent sense of humor, is itching to turn the tables on her fugitive financier husband. Together they lead their partners far, wide, and a little bit astray. Along the way, these unlikely pairs battle with baseball playing arsonists, motorcycle riding senior citizens, pool hustling teenagers, and the pesky jaws of history. From Curacao to the lower Rio Grande, the creatures of habit break with the past and bend the course of events in directions none of them could have predicted. Of course anyone you meet on Main Street will tell you that the hardest part of a wild ride is getting back on your feet when it stops.

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