Conquer and Endure
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Conquer and Endure


作者: Orlando M·Currie
出版年: 2004-7
页数: 116
定价: $ 12.37
ISBN: 9780595324033







Abandoned at a hospital by his mother, Christian Cappland's life becomes an adventure in and out of foster homes, until a murder and false accusations forces him to run for his life. The plot thickens like a roller coaster ride, with unexpected twists and turns, boosting the reader's adrenalin through imagination, dialog and scenes which captivate the reader to linger a little longer, hoping to arrive at a safe place to depart from the ride, only to find the temptation overwhelming to hurry up and finish the ride. Orlando Currie, Sr.'s novel "Conquer And Endure" is loaded with intrigue, espionage and a realism that is infectious. Minerva Press Readers Report described it as: "A compelling piece of storytelling, one that constructs a scenario that is simultaneously rooted in familiar detail and yet given surreal, dreamlike quality through its succession of strange events and use of the present tense throughout." Orlando M. Currie, Sr. is employed with American Airlines, based in Miami, Florida. Currie finds great enjoyment in writing about people who are going through a disaster or turmoil and unable to cope. He is the father of five children and four grandchildren. In the upcoming months, Currie is expected to release eight more books in soft cover and Internet versions.

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