I Release!
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I Release!


作者: Voge Smith  |  Hugh Smith
出版年: 2004-8
页数: 172
定价: $ 18.02
ISBN: 9780595312900







"Voge and Hugh have written a very practical handbook for releasing the limiting fears and beliefs from your past and living more authentically and lovingly in the here and now."--Dr. Gerald Jampolsky M. D. Best-selling author of "Love Is Letting Go of Fear""For several years I've known of the potent healing work Voge and Hugh have provided for their clients. The wisdom, insight and life transforming exercises they offer in their workshops and private sessions are now available in their book, I Release. I heartily recommend it "--Lee GlicksteinFounder, Speaking Circles InternationalAuthor, "Be Heard Now Tap Into Your Inner Speaking and Communicate with Ease""This book is a gem It illuminates the multi-faceted path on the journeytoward wholeness and joy. It's assistance in understanding as well as itsspiritual guidance in the business of being human are both simple and utterly profound. Thanks, Voge and Hugh, for the myriad gifts to me personally, as well as the commitment to extend your clarity and great encouragement to all who will read these blessed pages."--Fay Freed, Co-Founder, Women's Leadership ProgramThere is no pain in your life that cannot be relieved, no incident from which you were never meant to heal. No heartache is so great you cannot be free of its grip. No lack can't be replaced by unlimited abundance, and no emptiness is so deep that it cannot be filled with Divine Love. Contained in each successful person who has said yes to their heart's desires is an ordinary person who once held a hidden no. You may not be aware of your inner no, but it is sending out a broadcast that repels your heart's desires. There is a way out. "I Release "will take you on apowerful journey from being a seeker to being a finder. Whatever your focus--body, career, relationships, or your purpose and spiritual fulfillment--"I Release " shows how you can move from point A to point B in fulfilling your heart's desires. Inspiring anecdotes, case studies, and experiential techniques will guide you along in your own healing process.

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