Double Blackjack
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Double Blackjack


作者: Larry Liebenthal
出版年: 2004-5
页数: 120
定价: $ 14.63
ISBN: 9780595312764







The history of the New York Mets spans over four decades, all of which have been a roller coaster ride. Society has gone through many changes, some very good and others horrible. This also applies to the Mets; their fans can attest to this. They began as a "Phoenix," rising out of the ashes of the "ghosts" of the Dodgers and Giants, long lost stalwarts of the Big Apple. Despite their ineptitude (or maybe because of it), New York National League fans took them in as an animal lover would take to the "runt of the litter." However, after seven years, the Mets finally rewarded their fans by winning what was considered a "Miracle Championship." "Double Blackjack" also sheds light on the lean years, which unfortunately occurred more often than the opposite. I know I have only scratched the surface of the Mets' transactions, especially for all the "Monday Morning Quarterbacks" out there. I also know that there will be quite a lot of controversy associated with my writing. However, I have never been one to back down from an unpopular opinion; if I believe in a cause, no matter how futile it may be, I won't be swayed. All Mets' fans can commiserate with me.

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