Whispered Words...
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Whispered Words...


作者: Lorraine A·Scarlett-Stanley
出版年: 2004-2
页数: 72
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9780595310449







Poetry is often more than just words. For man, it is an expression of a creative gift from God. When used for His glory--it is a powerful tool for ministry. When inspired by God, poetry can bring hope, life, peace, joy, and encouragement to the poet and reader alike. Unable to break free from her past, haunted by memories, and incapable of generating any hopes for tomorrow, author Lorraine A. Scarlett-Stanley searched for the "more" that she did not have, and the "more" she felt she did not deserve. Nonetheless, the "more" she searched, the "more" she found. The "more" that she found, the "more" she wanted. The "more" she wanted, the "more" He, who was faithful, entrusted to her. In this first volume of Lorraine's poetry, each word is anointed to minister to your needs and to heal your hurts. The "Bible" states: --"So shall My Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it." (Isaiah 55: 11) Glory be to God So in the words of the author, if F.A.I.T.H--Fear Arrested In Time For Hope--is the substance of what Lorraine A. Scarlett-Stanley hoped for--then we hope you agree that "Whispered Words...From the Mind of God to the Heart of Man" is the evidence of things that can now be seen. Walking by faith, abiding in hope and resting on promise, Lorraine invites you to partake of the "more" that you have been searching for. Be Blessed.

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