The Himalayan Laundry Basket
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The Himalayan Laundry Basket


作者: Gabriel Samara
出版年: 2004-1
页数: 64
定价: $ 11.24
ISBN: 9780595296323







Imagine Thomas Edison as a cat--in your home. What havoc would that incredibly creative, intensely practical intelligence wreak upon his environment, always trying out new ideas, striving to better his last effort? Edison used his mind for profit. My cat, Joie--French for "joy"--uses his for fun. Both are recognized as innovators in their fields, demonstrating the power of creative thinking and persistence to achieve original, truly impressive, results. A collection of "Joie Stories," "The Himalayan Laundry Basket" relates Joie's adventures as a kitten in such diverse environments as closets, recycling piles, and the vet clinic, and then progresses through five years of unbelievably creative mayhem. We watch him tear wallpaper off walls, swing on hanging lamps and pictures, and surf flattened cardboard boxes across conveniently smooth floors. The household's other cats also provide opportunities for fun, especially "Grampa Adanac," Nobel Peace Prize nominee (almost). On the cover is Joie beside his rendition of the Himalayan peaks, sideways--even the laundry basket isn't safe when he's around "The Himalayan Laundry Basket" is for cat lovers of all ages to enjoy, and will also appeal to anyone with a slightly wacky sense of humor, on the prowl for a good laugh.

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